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Thursday, 27 August 2009


Manhunt is a third-person stealth action game. The game consists of twenty levels, and four bonus levels that can be unlocked the levels are referred to as "Scenes". Players survive the Scenes by dispatching enemy gang members known as "Hunters", occasionally with firearms but primarily by stealthily executing them in gruesome over-the-top ways.
Over the course of the game, the player uses a wide variety of weapons, ranging from plastic bags, baseball bats, crowbars and all sorts of bladed items to firearms later on in the game. If the player is running out of health, painkillers can be found which replenish health. The player can strike walls or throw items such as bottles, cans, bricks and severed heads to make noise to distract Hunters.

Win: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
Procesori: Pentium 4 1.3Ghz
RAM: 256MB
Graphic Card: 64Mb
HDD: 1Gb


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