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Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Star Defender 3

Star Defender 3 Portable

Star Defender 3 Portable | 11 Mb

It's been a long time since your hands gripped the controls of the Star Defender and you took out the evil Insectus menace before it destroyed mankind. While your fame spread like wildfire across the galaxy, your enemies were secretly preparing another assault on the human race. This time, you'll battle ominous new enemies, upgrade a powerful new primary weapon, collect devastating powerups and face some of the deadliest bosses you've ever encountered. If you loved Star Defender 3, don't hesitate to play the all-new sequel in one of the best arcade space shooter series to date. Features explosive graphics and teeth-rattling audio!
System Requirements:

OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Memory: 128 MB
DirectX: 8.1 or later
CPU: P2 600
Video: 32MB
Direct3D Compatable Video Card

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