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Friday, 18 September 2009

Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 4.10.0218

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced is CD & DVD emulation software which allows users to make CD/DVD disc images, create a virtual CD / DVD drives and play CDs & DVDs without the need for the physical disc and supports virtual IDE adapters.
What are the differences between (DAEMON Tools Pro - Advanced) with other versions of DAEMON Tools Lite,DAEMON Tools Pro Basic and Pro Standard?

1. Maximum number of supported SCSI virtual devices - 32 devices
2. IDE adapter emulation
3. Maximum number of supported IDE virtual devices - 2 devices
4. CD/DVD Image converter


Graphical user interface [GUI] - to make mounting of CD/DVD images and other
operations more convenient
Capability to make CD/DVD images to back up your data
SCSI adapter emulation
IDE adapter emulation
CD/DVD Image mounting to virtual devices
CD/DVD Image compression
D/DVD Image mounting to the physical folders
CD/DVD Image password protection
CD/DVD Image collection’s management
Shell Extensions
System Tray Agent
Virtual devices’ properties monitoring
CD/DVD Image converter

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