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Thursday, 17 September 2009

Notepad++ 5.1.3

It also gives the extra functionality to the general user: colorize the user defined words. You can print your source code in color (or whatever you want) if you have a color printer (WYSIWYG). Furthermore, Notepad++ includes the multi-view feature, which allows the user to edit the different documents at the same time, and even edit the same document synchronously in 2 different views.
Notepad++ supports drag and drop: not only you can drop the file from explorer to open it, but also you can drag and drop a document from a view to another. With all the functionalities, Notepad++ runs as fast as Notepad provided by MS Windows.

Supported languages for the moment: (c/c++/Java/html/xml/php/asp/vb/vbs/SQL/Objective-C/javascript/ini/makefile/MSDos Display)

Included plugins (ANSI):
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. MIME Tools v1.5
5. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
6. NppExport v0.2.8
7. Compare plugin v1.5.1
8. Light Explorer v1.5
9. Doc Monitor v2.2
10. NppAutoIndent 1.2

Included plugins (Unicode):
1. MIME Tools v1.5
2. NppExport v0.2.8
3. Doc Monitor v2.2
4. NppAutoIndent 1.2

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