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Thursday, 17 September 2009

Fast AVI MPEG Splitter 1.1.2

Fast AVI MPEG Splitter is an easy-to-use tool for splitting a large AVI or MPEG file into smaller clips.

The program does not recompress the source video, so the new clips are always created with the same quality as the original video file; and the splitting speed is extremely fast, you can split a large video file in several minutes, even seconds.

The program does not require any technical experience and is very easy to use.

Key Features of Fast AVI MPEG Splitter:
Split,cut or trim large AVI,MPEG file into smaller clips.
Supports split AVI,DivX,Xvid video files.
Supports split MPEG files.
Without recompression and any quality loss.
Very fast and very easy to use.
Lifetime FREE Technical Support and FREE upgrade. Free trial download. 30 day money back guarantee.

System Requirements of Fast AVI MPEG Splitter :
Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/2003 operating system.
Pentium 300 MHz or better
128M or more RAM

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