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Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Exotic Vacation, Blogger Template

Falcon hive has released another amazing blogger template for those who blog about holiday destinations. This is the best choice for Holiday Bloggers.

Check out the look.

Template name: Exotic Vacation
Template Author: Template Lite
Template Converter: Falcon Hive
Compatible BSP: Blogger
Best Viewed Browser: IE 8, Firefox RC3, Opera 9.6, Google Chrome, Safari 4 Public Beta
Column: 2
Feature included: Unique travelling-based header and background design Unique navigation menu design Unique RSS subscribe button on the footer.

You can


Installation Process:

Set up the Navigation menu:

You can customize your header navigation link to your own preferred link. To achieve this, access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element' section, click on the 'Edit' of the 'Menu' and configure the Link Gadget setup.

Set up the Footer RSS Subscribe

You can personalize the RSS subscribe button to your own personal RSS. To get this done, you can access into 'Layout' and under the 'Edit HTML' mode, press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item.

<a title="RSS Feed" href="">

We care about Author

Exotic Vacation comes under a Creative Common License. This means it is free to use on your blog as long as the credit link in the footer is kept intact. TemplateLite has really put so much effort on designing this template, so if possible you can pay a visit to the site and leave a thankful comment!

Take our RSS to grab the latest Blogger template

You are deserved to be the fastest being to get our latest Blogger template. Just simply click on this cute green 'RSS' word or subscribe it by email then you are ready to grab our Blogger template!

Another improvement for Templatelite's template

In most time, I'm really impressed with the Templatelite's template. For this traveling-based template, I love its 3D-style header design, unique navigation menu and subscribe button design. It's really excited to see the new and fresh idea keep coming out template by template, and I hope you enjoy this creative design too!

If you have any problem regarding the installation process please drop a comment or visit falconhive for further help

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