How to Create a Virus
This virus is alike the Blaster virus that's very known. It's mission was to restart the computer whenever it wanted to. This one is more agressive and won't give your victim the time to scan his PC.
When he logs in to his computer he will have 0 sec before the PC will restart/shutdown. You can choose any of the following options.
Create a new shortcut.
Then write;
shutdown -s -t 0 = this is to shutdown the computer in 0 seconds (t = time s=shutdown)
shutdown -r -t 0 = same but this is to restart the computer in 0 seconds.
(only for windows xp ,Vista & Windows 7)
Copy The ShortCut And Paste in in The Start Up Folder [Start > Program Files> StartUp]
Now this virus is such a dangerous one that no antivirus can detect it.
For any queries and how to delete/tackle the virus if it is in your own computer you can contact me.