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Monday, 6 April 2009

Shorten your Blog Url

Every Blogger would like his readers to type the shortest possible URL to reach your blog. There are many services which provide this facility of url shortening. Some of those are listed below.

1. This helps you to convert to

2. This give you many good short urls to shorten your blog name.

3. This gives you the url redirectional feature of converting your domain to and many other subdomains.

But i would advise you to use none of these, as they make your website a frame. This kills the chances of making your website name appearing in a search engine. But there are few services which give you free url rediretion and let your websties' name appear in a search engine.

One such secrvice is

This sevice will shorten your url to plus it will provide services like stats tracking and free webmail id, i.e

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