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Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Fake Virus Prank to fool your friends

Ultimatevirus is a free fake virus software that can do this task to its extreme .It would create a real frightening experience for your friends using Windows .On execution , Ultimatevirus tool says that target machine has been infected by a deadly virus and then performs a series of operation that even fools an experienced Windows user .

Send this fake virus to your friends and ask them to open .
Now a new Windows appears as shown below .

Ultimate virus locks all Windows tasks so that he will be forced to select any of those options .

On click it will show a progress bar deletion harddisk files,windows folders and file contents in the target machine . If he click the cancel button , a fake BSD (Blue Screen of Death ) will appear .

After this the machine will be restarted in a fake DOS mode with following warnings in successive key presses.

Finally it will display a window showing that was just a prank.


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